“Thank You Jesus”: A Spoken Word

I thank God for saving me and for setting me free. 

I thank You Jesus for delivering me. 

I thank You for Your provision and for Your guidance. 

I thank You for protecting me from things in my life now and things down the road. 

I thank You for being my Defender and Protector.

I thank You for being a Mind Regulator. 

I thank You for giving me the mind to live right. 

I thank You for giving me a heart to live holy. 

You are good.

You are Great!

You are Holy!

You are High and Lifted Up!

I can’t thank You enough!

I can’t praise You enough!

You are my strength when I feel weak. 

You are my power in every hour. 

Your love is stronger than any disappointment.

Your grace is stronger than any hurt.

Your peace is more powerful than anything.

Your grace is stronger than any feeling

It’s stronger than any mental attack, than any mind game, than any worry

Than any problem, than any situation.

You are God,

And I am not. 

No one can pluck me from Your Saving Hands.

Have Your way Jesus in me.

Thank You for showing me grace when I never deserve it.

Thank You for blowing my mind with gifts that I feel like I don’t deserve.

Thank You for filling me up when I feel empty.

Thank You for giving me exactly what I need at the right time.

Thank You for being my friend, when I wasn’t always a good friend to You.

Thank You for Your love, 

A love that I strive to give to others.

A love that overlooks faults.

A love that blesses when my heart is hurt.

A love that forgives… like You. 

A love that saw me on the cross

In my mess, pain and shame,

And came down,

And changed my name,

Oh, I’ll never be the same! 


I don’t care what I feel, I will still bless You.

I don’t care what comes to my mind, I will still praise You.

I don’t care what or who may come, I will still stay with You.

My will says completely yes to You. 

Thank You for staying with me Jesus.

You are so Faithful.

Thank You for keeping me.

Thank You for being my Keeper when I couldn’t keep myself.

Thank You for being my stable Rock, when my world was spinning.

Thank You for loving me 

Thank You for dying for me

Thank You for rising for me

Thank You for holding me up

Thank You for coming back for me.

I love You Jesus

I worship and adore You

Just want to tell You 

That I love You


than Anything.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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